Leadership Skills Test!

Leadership Skills Test
Want to test your leadership skills training investments? Wisdom says you need to measure every training program as a continuing investment in your current and future performance.

Before you go crazy looking a leadership skills test or testing service, doesn't it make sense to know how much you need to pay for a training program that supplies your needs for continuing education?

The price of your training program should mirror your 3 expectations for the returns you will receive through investing in the program:

1) The price must be reasonable for the amount of learning and growth in knowledge, know-how and competences you can expect to achieve

2) The price should be based on your desire to pay for those incremental benefits in terms of the performance improvements and tangible results you are likely to receive from your training program over that period of time

3) The price has to be a realistic, accurate and measurable reflection of those resources which are actively committed to the support of your progress.

Every knowledge worker needs to take many leadership skills tests - when you do you must find workshops or training programs - that help you grow in these 2 ways:
  • Create a self-directed learning program
  • Follow a program and master those skills

    Leadership skills tests will help you use your spare time to more effectively and energize your leadership skills through coaching, self-study and formal courses or training programs - your future successes will thank you for doing so!
