Courses Leadership Skills Training!

Courses Leadership Skills Training
Courses in leadership skills training are usually called "soft skills", "holistic" development or "employee empowerment" - these and other terms are euphemisms for leadership energy
- they are the process, purpose and principle which supply people with knowledge and propel them to take competent action.

"Is not the holy energy of true love ever sagacious, far-sighted and prophetic? Truth is not isolated: it is not a part, but the whole. It is love, and beauty, and joy. The wise man does not believe and opine, but he knows and is
the very truth which he utters. His thought is action: his knowledge is love" [Emerson's Essays, by A Disciple, in the US Democratic Review Volume-16, Issue-84]

Leading is an act of energetic purpose - do your courses in leadership skills training address that issue?

Leadership is the directing, focusing, shaping or configuring of energy towards a desired objective.

Over time and the distance of space, leaders use the energies provided to them within courses of leadership skills training to become an instrument through whom energy propels the group.

Where does that energy come from? Either a course in leadership skills training supplies it or it is already present in many forms and places, such as:

=> inside and outside the organization - generally called the organization's environment,

=> a function of an organizational sub-system [usually configured as a department or section with its own unique set of policies, processes & interactions] or from outside agencies that interact with the system,

=> the products, results or energy flows produced by employees and associates.

Every knowledge worker should enroll in courses in leadership skills training to improve the effectiveness of their interventions - using workshops or training programs - they can do so in these 2 ways:
  • Create a self-directed learning program
  • Follow a program and master those skills

    Improve your courses in leadership skills training through practicing your leadership and management skills everyday - use your spare time to energize your leadership effectiveness skills through coaching, self-study and formal courses or training programs - your organization and colleagues will thank you for doing so!
