Discover How You Can Use Scientific Techniques of Creative, Evolutionary Innovative Leadership to Energize Your Effectiveness Today!
"Learn How Creative, Evolutionary Niche Strategies Boost Performance, Empower New Avenues for Growth and Expand Your Innovative Opportunities!"
These Manuals Will Enlighten Your Assessments, Decisions & Evaluations if:
- You are a Planner
- You are a Analyst
- You are a Trainer
- You are a Facilitator
- You are a Consultant
- You are a Coach
- You work in Sales or Marketing
- You manage Production or Operations
- You Engineer or Own Processes
- You are a Manager or Supervisor
- You Lead or Manage Projects
- You are an Owner, Director or Executive
Dear Colleague:
If you are a leader or a developer of leaders and you would like to: - quickly and effectively assess and evaluate your problems,
- easily identify and generate highly profitable solutions,
- radically evolve organizational performance beyond its ordinary limits,
- leverage and energize your sources of innovative opportunities,
- transform your human capital assets into productive growth engines,
then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.
Here's why:
Every worksheet, principle, checklist, diagram and concept of these idea-packed, 2-volume Manuals enable you to electrify, empower and infuse your organization with scientifically-proven, evolutionary-focused, results-producing strategies.
One more thing.
Do you want to be a persuasive, confident, truly effective leader?
Great leadership skills boost effectiveness, nurture value and deliver breakthroughs! This Leadership-Empowerment Manual promises you 5 major pay-offs:
- Develops you into a focused, influential, innovative visionary
- Empowers you to educate, nurture or inspire others and yourself
- Shows you how to forge synergies, resolve conflicts and discover growth opportunities
- Expands your critical/systems thinking, value-analysis and strategic planning skills
- Energizes your flexibility, creativity and ability to consistently produce high-quality results
Now, I know you're probably skeptical. That's normal and healthy. Let me give you three
good reasons we can back up what we claim:
Three Reasons To Believe What I Say
Reason one: Your manual gives you a "Reality-based" training intervention - you are given exercises and learn only those skills and techniques that work in and apply to your "real-world" situations, challenges and problems
Reason two: Your training materials are designed to empower you and give you opportunities to achieve your learning goals for today and well into the future
Reason three: Your training manaul is backed by a performance-based improvement guarantee - which shows you that we are extremely confident of our material's ability to help you strengthen your creativity skills and improve your innovative competence.
"Learn How To Be A Creative, More Decisive, Adaptive, Flexible, Strategic, Evolutionary, Innovative Leader! We Reveal OVER 301 Extraordianry Ways To Elevate, Enhance, Energize, Empower & Enrich Your Organization!"
Here are some of the benefits you will receive
- Your Manual & Workbook are equipped with Worksheets and easy-to-follow Instructions
It gives you the ability to clarify problems and find solutions to any organizational problem or challenge
Both Manuals are filled with informative Diagrams, Charts and Maps
You get to see and completely understand how energy flows within, inside and outside your organization
Hands-on Demonstration - A 75-minute Web-based Clinic - "Energizing Your Opportunities for Growth and Innovation!"
You'll learn exactly how to use these Manuals to discover new opportunities for improving performance, increasing innovation and boosting your growth
Teaches you the principles of evaluating evolutionary forces
You'll use these techniques to easily identify sources of highly profitable efforts and apply them to optimize your unique situations
The Manual uses easy-to-understand concepts to describe the behaviors and explain the hidden factors affecting your organization's operational performance
You'll apply this knowledge and leverage every innovative opportunity for improvement and growth
We borrowed scientific facts and findings from Nobel Prize winners to prove our points
You'll think "outside of the box" with this brain-brewing, imagination-boosting, creativity-energizing treasure chest of scientifically proven methods and ideas
Your Manual comes equipped with enough tools and techniques to solve any strategic leadership, management, marketing, planning or decision-making problem
Your plans, strategies, vision/mission statements, reviews, analysis and evaluations, management and new leadership insights are sure to improve, enhance and increase everyone's contributions and performance
Now, you're probably wondering how and why we can do all those things.
Let me explain.
The Manual & Workbook contain ALL the methods, processes and tools you need to take advantage of the creative, evolutionary, innovative opportunities available to you and your organization.
We have adapted the scientific principles of biology, genetics, chemistry and physics to help you solve problems, make wise decisions and meet your challenges using strategic, effective, leadership-centered actions.
Because it is packed with Worksheets, Charts, Decision-tables, Diagrams and in-depth descriptions, you will treasure this 2-Volume Package and use it everyday to empower your growth and expand your avenues to prosperity.
By reading, studying and using these strategies,
- You will feel more confident making the journey across gritty landscapes of dimly seen hopes into the rich, fertile lands of great promises,
- You will be better equipped to guide, support and lead others past the desert of despair and over troubled rivers to reach glorious shores of hopes
- Together with your group, you will discover higher positions from which to clearly focus-on, evaluate and understand the unproductive ecosystems and uncharted territories where your difficulties reside.
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A POWER-Packed 75-minute Web-based Hands-on Clinic entitled:
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Don't take my word for it.
Listen to what our customers say.
Warning: Do NOT buy any Innovation Leadership Manual!
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There is a lot of confusion surrounding our field. I want to give you
4 criteria or elements you absolutely, positively must have in any
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Your Manual must have a Performance-based Guarantee - when you apply the techniques, tools, concepts and information contained in this book and you still fail to increase your performance, innovation or growth by, at least, 100%, then we will pay you your money back!
Your Manual must be a tool you can use every single working day or why bother buying it in the first place!
Your Manual should include fresh, regularly updated information - you'll get free subscriptions and access to our weekly ezine, weblog [blog], monthly magazine and online forums and chats.
Your Manual must include a DISCOUNTED, Live 75-minute Clinic showing you how to profitably and effectively use its concepts and principles in your own daily situations!
You get at least 10 times your money's worth!
Think outside of the box with this brain-brewing, imagination-boosting, creativity-energizing treasure chest of scientifically proven concepts, ideas, principles and techniques.
Need to pump more energy into your group or business? Every page of this book describes, defines, and explains how to electrify, empower and infuse your organization with these energy-producing strategies.
This how-to manual comes filled with:
Results-generating worksheets,
Knowledge-enriching diagrams and charts,
Mind-expanding concepts,
Your plans, strategies, visions, reviews, analysis and evaluations, management and leadership contributions are sure to improve, enhance and increase everyone's performance.
We normally charge more than $750 for a 3-hour seminar, however, you can save the time, money and frustration of attending a one-time calss session. This Manual contains much more than we could possibly give in a mere 3 hours.
If we turned this Manual into a workshop, it would take us 5 days to teach you its concepts - then, we would have to charge you, at least, $7500 a seat!
In summary, here's what you get:
Your Two "Leading a Creative, Evolutionary, Innovative Organization" Manuals come filled with:
- Results-generating worksheets for conducting Impact Studies, Energy-Analysis and Ecosystem-Accounting,
- Knowledge-enriching diagrams and charts that show real-world examples, system models and energy forces at work,
- Hundreds of mind-expanding, value-adding concepts, fact-finding processes and evaluation techniques
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Here's how to order right now!
For a limited time these 2 Manuals & 4 Bonus Gifts are only $49.95 Pick up your 2-Volume copy of "Leading A Creative, Evolutionary, Innovative Organization!" just click the link below
To Recap, Here Are The 5 BONUS Generators Of Your "Creative, Evolutionary, Innovative Leadership Power" Program
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To your continued success,
Bill Thomas - Author & Managing Principal
Mustard Seed Investments Inc.
Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to grab these power-packed manuals at this low price plus all these bonus gifts valued at over $375 before they're going, going, gone - hurry and pick up your special manual packages today!
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Our 75-minute webinars normally cost $149 per person - obviously, I can afford to extend this 35% discount for just a very limited period of time - I can only urge you in the strongest way I can to scoop-up this valuable special offer right away before it disappears forever!
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