Empowers You to:
1) Align HR, TRAINING & IT Goals With Your Business Strategy
2) Create, Execute, Manage and Lead Realistic Strategic Plans
3) Generate Best-in-Class Breakthrough Marketing & New Product Ideas
4) Evaluate Strategies of Your Competitors
Compatible with Balanced Scorecard & 360-Feedback Programs
Lead Your Strategic, Marketing & Business Planning: Create, Manage & Empower Breakthrough Performance Using this Fail-Proof, Results-based Process of Group/Team Development for Value-Energizing, Growth-Enriching Success!
Get Breakthrough Results! Inspire your group, management team or leaders to think outside of the box with this brain-brewing, imagination-boosting, creativity-energizing treasure chest of engaging, thought-provoking, proven strategic planning concepts, ideas, principles and techniques.
Strategic Leaders Empower Others!In order to ensure successful buy-in for their plans, and maximize the involvement of all their associates, leaders need a process for developing plans which generates as many breakthrough ideas as possible.
Use Plans To Energize Your Success! Effective leaders wisely use these ground-breaking strategic plan creation, plan review and leadership development Manuals to:
- Engage employees, volunteers and mission partners as your co-creators, co-conspirators or co-leaders in shaping, implementing or supervising the plan
- Encourage and train your associates to develop their innate creativity, communication styles, critical and systems thinking, value engineering, leadership behaviors and attitudes, teamwork and collaboration, mapping and modeling skills and more
- Enter into agreements with your stakeholders to hold them accountable for turning the plan into tangible reality, to elicit their commitment to the plan's success, to assure that they too will assume responsibility for their areas of the plan
- Expand their commitment to the vision and reinforce its objectives with your people using coaching, mentoring, consultative sessions, progress conferences, focus groups, team reports, performance reviews, reward and recognition ceremonies, etc.
- Empower your people to have authority for or take the lead in further defining or refining the strategy, sculpting your vision and mission, and aligning organizational and personal values by:
- taking process ownership or leadership roles;
- becoming quality champions or entrepreneurial detectives;
- creating meeting or event agenda items;
- participating in goal- or priority-setting;
- conducting formal consulting or coaching sessions with others
Do you need to pump more energy into your department, team/group, project, marketing campaigns, business expansion plans or organizational growth?
Every page of this 2-Volume Manual helps you describe, define, and explain how to electrify, empower and infuse your organization with energy-producing, client-focused, value-added strategies, assessments, tactics, missions, goals, priorities, partnerships and alliances based upon highly efficient organizational structures, work assignments and streamlined processes.
Included with your
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Volume-1 "Instructor's Guide"
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It provides you with scripts, talking points and graphical images to encourage your group to develop realistic plans and strategies -- and more importantly -- this Guide enables you to strengthen the confidence, commitment and competence of your people to work together, increase their effectiveness, improve their resourcefulness, enhance their leadership skills and breakthrough their barriers of out-dated thinking to reach-up for new possibilities. Normally sells for $97
In cases, where you need to lead or facilitate Workshops, you'll need these Tools...
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The package provides you with reproducible forms that your group can use to answer questions, suggest strategies and provide solutions -- and more importantly -- this Volume guides, trains and empowers your people to collaborate more effectively, increase their creativity, think critically while they search-for and discover entrepreneurial and innovative opportunities. Normally sells for $67
In summary, here's what you get:
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- Facilitator's/Leader's/Instructor's Guide - your script for conducting and leading the strategic planning process - filled with slides, maps and charts to help you competently engage your team or clients
- Workgroup Handouts - reproducible forms that your group can use to answer questions, suggest strategies and provide solutions - this Volume trains and empowers your people to collaborate more effectively, increase their creativity, discover innovative opportunities and think critically
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To your continued success,
Bill Thomas Managing Principal Mustard Seed Investments, Inc. Owners, Publishers & Editors of: Leadership-UltraNet! Leadership-Toolkit Leadership-Channels
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